Read Our Review

live communication; available lessons online and in-person; affordable prices; free educational tools
professional tutors are expensive; no group options; tutors are based in the United States, so international students can only access online lessons
February 2022
Choose the right companies and save your life resources. As a rule, each of us has a limited amount of such priceless things as time and money. If the second can still be compensated for, then the first we will never be able to restore. We create our reviews, articles, and expert opinions to make the lives of hundreds of people better and easier.
Paying attention to the right companies and the right services, in a way, improves your life. review was created so that you would learn a little more about another online company and draw conclusions about how useful it will be to you. So, let’s start by describing what we have learned. and who they are.
When writing reviews, we did research for you based on our own company learning and user feedback. is an online platform for tutors and prospective students. The creators took the idea and created a website based on the experience of popular companies, where you, as a tutor, can offer your services, or you, as a student, can find a teacher for yourself.
In fact, it is not the easiest service to understand how it works. It will take you some time to explore the possibilities they provide us. These services, if you create them properly, can perfectly solve the problem of finding a job for a beginner tutor or give him another additional job, which is never superfluous.
Available services
We read the information we could find among the reviews and directly on the website of the company itself. Describing any data and in this review, we found out that the company provides two types of services for two types of users, namely if you:
- A student. On this platform, you will find the tutor you need among those who offer their services. Observing the rules of the service, you are free to independently search for a person who meets your needs.
- A teacher. If you have relevant experience and have something to help the student, you can register on the website and provide your services to those who need them.
This portal is extremely useful for those who do not want to have intermediaries in solving their problems. The good news for users is that they have freedom but of course, if the company will make their services in a proper way. review of Discounts and pricing forming
It is not entirely true to say that this company has prices for its services. Given that the participants in this program work with each other independently, in fact, the price will depend on the tutor and his qualifications. When registering you as a tutor, you indicate the price per hour of your work, and the company does not influence this factor. Consider that educators pay 25% of their income to the company to use its services.
Also, there is no promo code, and the only discount is a guarantee from the company to make the first hour of your lesson free if your tutor doesn’t suit you. In other words, the company has confidence in the tutors it hires. But is it really true?
Payment process for using the platform
The process of paying for services between a tutor and a student takes place using the platform itself. How it works: A student is required to provide their credit card details with a positive balance on it before hiring a teacher. When the lesson has already taken place, the tutor confirms this fact, and the money is transferred from the student’s card to the company’s account. After that, within 5 days, the corresponding amount is transferred to the teacher’s bank account. Now the question is: is cheating, and can you trust this payment method?
The guarantee of whether the tutor will receive money and whether the student’s data will remain safe, whether the amount will be correctly debited are the questions that concern users in the first place. While reading the reviews, we, unfortunately, encountered negative feedback from the user related to the incorrect amount of money that was debited from the student’s account and with a delay in payment for the teacher.
Features of the platform
For your convenience, the company allows students and tutors to test their classroom, which you will use in the learning process, and see how it works. When you click on the link, the web page itself opens in front of you, where you can see how the process of talking with the tutor or with your student will look like: nothing complicated and nothing new at the same time.
We read a lot of topics and sitejabber reviews to find new features that would distinguish the company from others like it. Alas, they do not exist, everything is quite simple, and there is nothing that could surprise you as a user.
Review of reputation in the middleman services market
The reputation of this platform is not the worst, but we found a large number of reviews that the company is irresponsible about money transfers and does not interact with users too quickly in case of any problems. In other words, tutors on the forums have often expressed concern that they do not receive notification of remittances on time, and this causes some stress for both sides.
Some other users talked about plagiarism, which the company could not avoid by copying identical services from better-known platforms. So, in general, the reputation of the company is not perfect, but users continue to turn to them for intermediary services. Customer Support qualification
The support service of such platforms has a very big responsibility. The bottom line is that in this version of the provision of services, one of the main tasks of the company is to help in communication between the two parties and to solve all the problems that arise. reddit discussions and feedback tell us about the fact that the company is slow and has a long process of handling requests of problems.
The reviews are written in a specific way, and from them, we can conclude that the company just does not have enough people to handle all the problems on time. This case is often common in this type of service. Therefore, students and teachers are increasingly leaving this market of activity.
Warranty and money back conditions
The company says about money-back guarantees. But in practice, you can get them back in two cases:
- Accidental write-off of money. In case the teacher mistakenly indicated that the lesson took place, but in fact, it was not. Or if the teacher pointed out that you had more hours with him than you actually did. In this case, you should contact the company via email and report the mistake.
- The tutor is not right for you. If you, as a student, after the first lesson, realize that you have chosen the wrong tutor for yourself, there is a chance that the company will pay you for a one-hour lesson.
In both cases, you have to contact support and describe your situation. As we already know, the company does not react too quickly to requests for this, be prepared to wait a sufficient amount of time to achieve a result, but we recommend looking for cheaper alternatives to, so that in general you do not face a situation when you need to fight for your rights.
Pros and cons of being a user
Let’s take a short and general look at the company of and whether it is worth using them as intermediaries in helping to solve your problems. The answer to this question will depend on the balance of benefits and disadvantages that you get.
Advantages | Disadvantages |
Freedom of action between student and tutor | Slow response when you need a refund |
The ability for the tutor to set the price per hour of training himself | Lack of specific pricing frameworks |
Opportunity for the student to choose a suitable teacher | Delay in processing payments |
The web page is easy to use | It is not possible to solve the problem on your own without the participation of the company |
Free one hour of training in case of dissatisfaction | Commission 25% for a tutor for using the platform |
In general, the company is quite interesting as a provider of these kinds of services. But given the fact that for each action you need the approval of the company, which takes a long time, you must have enough patience and free time to be able to wait for the result.
Conclusions from our experts
Speaking the last word about this company, we thought about the benefits of their activities in general. Such services give certain freedom for the student and teacher but at the same time controls the payment process. On the one hand, this is good, but if you think deeply, both sides may suffer because of this. For example, a tutor is obliged to pay a fairly large amount of the company for the use of their services, namely 25%, which is not the lowest payment in this market.
The problem on the part of the student can be caused by the fact of transferring personal data of his bank card and the thought that scam actions can be performed. Remember that no matter what the company tells you, transferring any personal information, all responsibility remains solely with you.
Be confident in your choice by choosing the trusted service
When we have doubts, we always try to choose an alternative to a particular phenomenon. If you have already been looking for a platform of this kind and found this one, then, for sure, you asked yourself the question: Is good?
Each company is unique, and before you trust it, you think about your own benefit. The information that we have collected does not allow us to tell you with confidence that you will make the right choice by starting to use Check out our articles and our verified top rankings to find out which companies will provide you with the best services.
The first question we got from our readers is: Is legal? So let’s once again highlight the most important issues that are always relevant. By reading the following information again, you can summarize it for yourself or simply satisfy interest.
Is the actions of Legit?
The services are legal. And in terms of the company, it is clearly described that the tutor has the right only to teach the student, but not to do his homework for him.
Is there any Scam activities?
We have not found evidence of fraudulent activity. But at the same time, they do not comply with the time frames for the transfer of money, which the company established on its own.
What determines the prices of lessons on
Each tutor decides for himself how much his lessons will cost. The company does not set clear rules on this matter.
Is it safe for the student and tutor to use the platform?
There is no guarantee that your tutor will be competent. You can find out this only after the start of joint work. Likewise, only you are responsible for the transfer of your data.